In C.T.C Servicios Ambientales we have been treating, valuing and managing waste for almost 30 years, as well as providing a freight transport service by truck. We offer a wide range of environmental services for the conservation of the environment, providing service at a national level.
Our customers can rest assured that their waste is managed optimally and sustainably, complying with all current environmental regulations. We take care of both the collection at the producer’s facilities and its subsequent classification.
We offer solutions with high added value such as the documentary destruction of confidential information on any medium (paper, digital files, textiles, etc.) and the destruction of obsolete products, in addition to other environmental services. We also generate CDR, fuel derived from waste, as a way to recover non-hazardous waste and achieve our goal of zero landfill.
Our technicians, graduates in environmental sciences, will give you the environmental support you need. Our purpose is to provide the most complete service possible so tha tour clients only worry about carrying out their activity.
C.T.C Servicios Ambientales maintains its ability to offer comprehensive management of the waste it transports, thanks to the collaboration of several companies in the sector, authorized for the final recovery and management of waste. To this end, it relies on related companies such as Reciclados La Red, which generate synergies and new business opportunities.
We have two waste transfer centres, one in Alcalá de Guadaíra (Seville) with 8,500 m2 and another in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) with 70,000 m2 in which waste classification and storage activities are carried out for subsequent recovery or disposal. We also have an exclusive transfer centre for the treatment of cardboard and EPS, expanded polystyrene, in Huevar (Seville) with 1,500 m2.

All our transfer centers have the best available techniques and all the necessary prevention and safety measures, ensuring that we meet the highest standards of quality and safety.
Our facilities are strategically located in the provinces of Seville, Cordoba and Madrid. These total 80,000 m2 and we are a benchmark in Spain for the implementation of new technologies, production volume and respect for the environment.
In addition, our centres comply with the requirements of the Proximity Principle, promoted by the European Union. This avoids the generation of new waste and additional CO2 emissions due to vehicle transport.
Our services can be framed in the following strategic lines: